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MAY 2008

Roll No.........................
Total No. of Questions : 09
Paper ID [CS210]
B.Tech(Sem - 4)


Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 60

Instructions to Candidates :

1) Section - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Four questions from Section - B
3) Attempt any Two questions from Section - C

Section - A

Q1) (10 X 2 = 20)
a) What are the salient features of DOS editor?

b) Differentiate between fullscreen editor and multiwindow editor.

c) What is the need of assemblers?

d) What do you understand by parse tree? How is it different than syntax tree?

e) Define Finite automata.

f) List the various software tools used for debugging.

g) What is dynamic binding?

h) What are real operating systems?

i) List the functions of loaders.

j) What is the purpose of shells in operating system?

Section - B (4 X 5 = 20 )

Q2) Discuss with the help of examples different types of tools used to design compilers.

Q3) Explain the working of two pass assembler with an example. Draw the flowchart of two pass assemble also.

Q4) Describe the working of shift reduce parser with example.

Q5) What do you understand by memory management techniques in operating system? Explain them.

Q6) Design a deterministic finite automata ( DFA ) that accepts the language (a/b)*abb.

Section - C (2 X 10 =20)

Q7) Differentiate between the followings :
(a) LEX and YACC.
(b) Syntax and semantics.

Q8) What are assembler directives ? Explain the function of EQU , START.

Q9) What are the three major areas in which the operating system divides its services?Give examples and explain.

May 2007

B.Tech (Semester - 4)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 60

Instructions to Candidates :
1) Section - A is compulsory
2) Attempt any Four questions from Section - B
3) Attempt any Two questions from Section - C

Section - A
(10 x 2 = 20)

a) Define relocation bits.

b) Differentiate between pseudo-op and machine-op?

c) What is program counter?

d) What is the use of macroinstructions?

e) What are dummy arguments?

f) What is the use of LTORG operation?

g) What is the use of IDE?

h) Define microkernel?

i) Elimination of subexpression is performed in which phase? Explain briefly.

j) Differentiate between a phase and a pass.

Section - B
(4 x 5 = 20)

Q2) What is the difference in function between BALR and USING instructions? What happens to each at assembly time and at execution time?

Q3) What are absolute loaders? Explain.

Q4) Draw a block diagram of the phases of a compiler and indicate the main function of each phase?

Q5) What is the requirement of optimization? Discuss machine-independent optimization techniques.

Q6) List and explain the main functions of Operating System?

Section - C
(2 x 10 = 20)

Q7) Design a two pass assembler with the help of neat flowcharts.

Q8) Minimize the following switching functions :
(a) What is conditional macro-expansion? Explain.
(b) What is the difference betwen binders and overlays? Define dynamic loading.

Q9) Differentiate between the following :
(a) Interpreter and compiler.
(b) Top down and bottom down parsing.
(c) Single pass anf two pass assemblers

Dec 2007 Punjab Technical University B.Tech Information Technology SYSTEM PROGRAMMING (CS210),Information and technology Question paper

Information and technology

Time: 03 Hours Max marks: 60
Instruction to candidates:
1) Section –A is compulsory.
2)Attempt any four question from section-B
3) Attempt any two questions from section-C

Section -A
Q1) (marks 10*2=20)
a) What is window editor?
b) What is vi editor?
c) What is Bug?
d) What is code generation?
e) Define time sharing.
f) What is meaning of finite automata?
g) What are sub routines?
h) What is lexical analysis?
i) What is assembly language?
j) What is booting?

Section-B(marks 4*5=20)

Q2) What is the difference between the lexical analysis and syntax analysis?
Q3) Explain intermediate code generation.
Q4) Explain code optimization technique.
Q5) Explain different types of compilers.
Q6) explain case study of linker in x86 machines

Section-C (marks 2*10=20)

Q7) Explain various debugging techniques.
Q8) What is linking? What is the use of linking explain briefly?
Q9) What is operating systems? Explain various operating systems briefly.
a) What is protocol?
b) Hat is error diction?
c) What is subnet?


Max Marks 60

Note: Section A is compulsory. Attempt any Four questions from Section B and 2 from Section C.

Section A Marks 2 each

(a) What data structure is used for assembler pass one?
(b) Illustrate the problems of two pass assembly.
(c) What are the features of machine-independent macro processor?
(d) Explain the purpose of the Segment index field in an LEDATA record.
(e) How does Dynamic Linking work for Subroutine?
(f) What fare the Debugging Functions and Capabilities?
(g) Compare structure editors and screen editors.
(h) Which are the tow ways of Code Optimization? Explain.
(i) Compare code generation actions and code generation routine.
(j) Can swapping be used in multiprogramming systems? Explain.

Section B Marks 5 each

2. Develop complete program for the passes of two pass assemblers indicating:
(a) Inputs (files and tables) for every pass
(b) Outputs (files and tables) for every pass.

3. On some systems, control sections can be composed of several different parts just as program blocks can. What problems does this pose for the assembler? How might these problems be solved?

4. Suppose we want macro definition to appear as a part of the assembly listing. How could the macro processor and the assembler accomplish this?

5. Define binary object format for SICF and write an absolute loader to load program in this format.

6. consider the following possibilities for the storage, linking and execution of a user’s program:
(a) Store the source and object versions of the program, use linking loader each time the program is to be executed.
(b) Solve the source program and linked version with all externals references resolved. Use a relocating loader each time the program is to be executed.

Section C

7. (a) What kind of source program errors would be detected using Lexical analysis?
(b) What kind of source program errors would be detected during Syntactic analysis?

8. Select a high level programming language with which you are familiar and write a lexical scanner for it.

9. (a) Is memory-protection hardware necessary of a machine that uses demand-paged memory management? Justify your answer.
(b) How might the operating system detect that a deadlock has occurred? Write the methods to prevent deadlock situation.

